Reverse Engineering GOES-16 CDA Telemetry

In this post, I’ll detail how I managed to reverse engineer the telemetry signal from GOES-16 — NOAA’s third generation geosynchronous weather satellite built by Lockheed Martin and launched into space by ULA’s Altas V rocket. GOES-16 Telemetry Being Demodulated and Decoded. This satellite is mostly known by the HRIT signal, responsible to distribute high-resolution meteorological data to hundreds of institutions throughout the portion of the earth illuminated by the spacecraft.
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Receiving & Demodulating the Meteor Satellite

Receiving & Demodulating the Meteor Satellite
In the previous post, I talked about how I got the analog APT earth images from the NOAA sats and how I made my QFH Antenna. As I said, the APT signal is a legacy image transmission method from the 1960s that have strong drawbacks. The newest sats like Meteor-M and MetOp-A have a new protocol with digital modulation called LRPT (Low Rate Picture Transfer). Currently the single sat transmitting this protocol is the Meteor-MN2 and occasionally the Meteor-MN1.
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